yaaaah,ngerasa sendiri lagi deh. entahlah,knapa hari gini status 'single' masih demen sama gw...hihihihi
gw ngerasa semua temen" cowok gw lebih asik klo mereka gw anggep sebagai teman baik. dan begitu pun mereka,mereka lebih asik klo anggep gw sbagai temen baik.
but,i'm just human being. only human. yang pengen juga diperhatin,disayangin,di peduliin,dicerwetin sama seseorang yang bisa bikin gw dek"an...hahahhaha
apa ada yang salah sama diri gw ya?!>_<'
ada beberapa temen cowok gw yang bilang klo gw harus lebih feminim,anggun, dan segala hal selayaknya cw...
fiuh,,,tapi susah. n gimna crnya?hahahhaa
gw ngerasa enjoy n asik sm diri gw sendiri...
tp apa hanya karna itu?hahahhahaha
Time goes slowly now in my life
Fear no more of what I'm not sure
Searching to feel my soul
The strength to stand alone
The power of not knowing and letting go
I guess I've found my way
It's simple when it's right
Feeling lucky just to be here tonight
And happy just to be me and be alive
Love, in and out
Of my heart
And though life can be strange
I can't be afraid
Searching to feel your soul
The strength to stand alone
The power of not knowing and letting go
I guess I've found my way
It's simple when it's right
Feeling lucky just to be here tonight
And happy just to be me and be alive
I guess I've found my way
It`s simple when it's right
Feeling lucky just to be here tonight
And happy just to be me and be alive
someday, i will find what i'm searching for...
just try, never stop believing. n dont give up on my love...
when i fall down,,,just try again.....
i trust a god,,, Dia udah ngatur semuanya...
Friday, August 17, 2007
what im searching for...???what kiky wanna be??
Posted by
3:41 PM
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1 comment:
jd jomblo kdg2 emg nyebelin yah..
btw,akhirnya link blog mu ketemu jg!
Q kan g apal address blogmu, hehehe..
leot itu ak dpt dr situs yg link nya ad di blog ku,
tinggal copy paste ko,
masih bljr jg ne, amatir..
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